Our Lady in the Balcans

Our Lady Queen of Heaven on earth, to help mankind to find Peace.

The presence of our Lady and Mother of God Mary in the Balcans is nothing new; it's now 30 years since God sent a woman and a mother, to try to show God's children, the safe Way to peace and to God.

Man progress did not bring happiness and peace, and people, nations, races are still struggling to find peace and harmony, well being and Eternal joy. The world is now more that ever in a worldwide caos and strife, and man of every level and background, cannot eccept anymore the political deception and economic lie, sold to milions of people by wicked and corrupted man.

Political parties have deceived many for decades, gained nothing and billions of people are now struggling even to eat; corruption and man greed has taken the modern world, into the brink of collapse and destruction. Man made laws want to pave the way to replace God's good 10 Commandments, reduced to only 2 by Jesus of Nazareth. To love God and other people, like thyself, are 2 easy and simple Commandments for everyone, nation, race, people.

While trying to please a fake god, an invented god full of fake notions and false way of doing, mankind denys to follow 2 simple and easy "Ways" to peace, destroying peole lifes and even the creation around. In this world of total madness and mass distruction, God plays His last card to save everyone and humanity all together, inviting people of good heart and good will, to listen!

Since His Laws given to Moses, and His Message given to His Ambassador Jesus, God in our modern times, plays his Last card of Salvation, sending a woman, a mother and a sweet heart, to gather people under His Holy Wings; it's either now or never, time it's coming to an end to God's patiance and plan. After the many attempts to save the world and humanity, God sent a woman to give the Final warning to mankind, before it's too late, in order to make peace with God and with people of every nation, race, languagge, gender and people. This is the Final Countdown!

While a all male world have destroyed the most beautiful things in the world, without bringing anything good to humanity, God in His Wisdom, sent a woman to call everyone to change their ways and use their brain, before it's too late....People are flocking to hear good news of God and the sweet words of Heaven, from a God that invites each and everyone to Peace.

To whoever wants peace, God offers the Peace of His Son Jesus, the man and Prince of Peace and Justice, the humble man of God that came to take away forever the many sin of man, from this earth. There is no man-made peace outside God's will, that will succed in this goal. All man-made plans and agreements, will miserabily fail has we have seen until today.

Peace with God and peace with man, it's the only Way to human future; we must abide to God's peace and peacemakers, if we want to obtain peace that last and it's truth. God is calling to Peace now!

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